Merck 105409.0500 Calcium caseinate agar acc. to FRAZIER and RUPP modified
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Hill Formula: Na₂O₄S EC Number: 231-820-9 Grade: ACS,ISO,Reag. Ph Eur CAS #: 7757-82-6 Chemical Formula: Na₂SO₄ Molar Mass: 142.04 g/mol
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Brilliant green (hydrogen sulfate) (C.I. 42040) for microbiology. CAS 633-03-4, pH 2.5 (10 g/l, H₂O, 25 °C).
Synonyms: Diamond green G, Solid green, Ethyl green
Solubility: 100 g/l ph Value: 2.5 (10 g/l, H₂O, 25 °C)
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