Merck 100068.0500 Bolton Selective Enrichment Broth(Base).
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MERCK 109435 buffer solution pH 4 (citric acid/sodium hydroxide/hydrogen chloride), traceable to SRM from NIST and PTB pH 4.00 (20°C) Certipur® 1 LMERCK 109435 buffer solution pH 4 (citric acid/sodium hydroxide/hydrogen chloride), traceable to SRM from NIST and PTB pH 4.00 (20°C) Certipur® 1 L
MERCK 109435 buffer solution pH 4 (citric acid/sodium hydroxide/hydrogen chloride), traceable to SRM from NIST and PTB pH 4.00 (20°C) Certipur® 1 LBuffer solution
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MERCK 109535 pH Kağıdı pH 0 – 14 pH-İndikatör Şeriti Evrensel İndikatör MColorpHast™ 100 Adet/KutupH-indicator strips pH 0 – 14 Universal indicator
non-bleeding pH 0 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 10 – 11 – 12 – 13 – 14 MQuant®
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MERCK 106498 Sodium hydroxide pellets for analysis EMSURE® ISO 1 KgSodium hydroxide pellets for analysis EMSURE®
Synonyms: Soda caustic
Hill Formula: HNaO EC Number: 215-185-5 CAS #: 1310-73-2 Chemical Formula: NaOH Molar Mass: 40.00 g/mol
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